African Sports Symposium Webinar flyer

The African Sports Symposium Webinar

The World Economic Forum in an article testified to the powerful influence of sports in bringing about inspiration, sense of team spirit and bonding experience. However, there is a huge content gap on the internet as regards contents on African sports in English and major African Languages.

Afrosports is an African sport project organized by Free Knowledge Africa. It is focused on creating African sports and games related contents on Wikipedia. Read more on the Afrosports Project on Wikipedia here and on our website here

In relation to the project, Free Knowledge Africa is organising an African sport Symposium Webinar. The Symposium is scheduled to hold on the 18th of February 2023 by 10am WAT

The webinar is themed ‘The role of Open-Source platforms (Wikipedia) as it relates to the promotion of Sports in the African sector’. This webinar will focus on a number of African Sport related discussions including 

  1. The underrepresentation of African sport on Open-Source platforms and how this can be corrected
  2. How to get Journalists to cover more African sport related contents
  3. African sport from a Wikimedian’s point of view

These topics and more will be addressed during the Webinar by different Sport Associates

Meet our Speakers

We have invited seasoned Sportspersons and journalists to help dissect these topics centered around the African sport scene

Mr Phemmy Adetula 

Mr Phemmy Adetula from Ondo State, Nigeria is a Sports Journalist. He has worked for 30 years in Print, Radio and Television productions. Phemmy Adetula is a content producer with SuperSport Nigeria. 

Mr Adetula is a former board member and Public Relations Officer, Nigeria Olympic Committee (NOC). He also belongs to several professional bodies such as; Association of International Sporting Press (AIPS), Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN), as well as Nigeria Association for Physical, Health Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (NAPHER-SD) amongst others. 

Mr Adetula once served as the Chairman, Ondo State Teqball Association, a board Member/Media & Communications Director, Nigeria Judo Federation. He presently serves as a Board Member/Media & Communications Director, Nigeria Fencing Federation.

Mr Andrew Olsson 

Mr Andrew Olsson from New Hampshire, United States is a historian, writer, and scout who focuses on African football. He is the founder and Head of Scouting at Pan Africa Football. He features and recruits up and coming talented African footballers and helps illuminate the players pathway. Andrew Olsson also educates those who wish to know more about African football.

Mr Olsson has set out to create an information source that covers football in all regions of Africa and its various competitions. After taking a few courses related to the football industry through Sports Management Worldwide, he discovered that he has plenty to contribute and an ability to inform.

The goal of Pan Africa Football is to enable Africans to tell their own story to the world and to highlight the destinies, trajectories and great moments of the actors and actresses of football on the continent.

How to join the African Sports Symposium Webinar

Click to register and an invite to the zoom meeting will be sent to your email.

This webinar promises to be educative, informative, eye opening. Most importantly, to seek solutions to the underrepresentation of African Sports on Open source platforms. It is open to everyone interested in promoting African Sport and bridging the content gap on the internet as regards the African Sport scene.

We look forward to meeting and discussing with you on Saturday.


Remember, Afrosports is for you and for me, a way to showcase our African games and sports. A way to present a more accurate picture of the true state of affairs of our African sports.

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