Showing 20 Result(s)

Nigerian Music and the Public Domain

Nigerian music has evolved over the years. From the days of Bobby Benson to contemporary Nigerian artists, music has been a constant factor propelling a lot of creatives in the entertainment industry. Lou Rawls once said “Music is the greatest communication in the world. Even if people do not understand the language, they still know …

Reflecting on 2024: Bridging Barriers, Sharing Knowledge

As the year draws to a close, we take a moment to reflect on an extraordinary journey of collaboration, growth, and impact. At Free Knowledge Africa, we believe that open access to knowledge is not just a principle—it’s a catalyst for transformation. Together, we’ve made significant steps in bridging information gaps, preserving cultural heritage, and …

Public Domain and Historical Knowledge

Advocacy for Open Access in Nigeria Remember our ongoing Public Domain Advocacy program? On November 26th, 2024, we had a physical advocacy event with the theme ‘Public Domain and Historical Knowledge’. The event was organized by Free Knowledge Africa in collaboration with the FCT Branch of the National Library of Nigeria. It was held at …

International Open Access Week, 2024

Free Knowledge Africa joins the Open community in celebrating International Open Access Week, 2024. “Open source is about collaborating; not competing.” – Kelsey Hightower This week is a priceless opportunity to link the worldwide movement for open information sharing. This can be achieved with the development of legislative changes and the significance of social concerns …

2024 Public Domain Campaign

“I believe in copyright, within limited precincts, but I also believe in fair use, public domain and especially transformation” David Shields Free Knowledge Africa is no stranger to the public domain as we have carried out a series of campaigns promoting the public domain and emphasizing its importance to the creative world. Our previous Public …

Celebrating the World IP and Public Domain day

The World Intellectual Property (IP) day is globally celebrated on the 26th of April. This year, Free Knowledge Africa in conjunction with National Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) will join the rest of the world to celebrate this day as well as the Public Domain day usually celebrated on the 1st of January to …

Open Music and the Open Movement

Open Music is music that is freely accessible under open licenses without any copyright restriction. This means music that can be freely accessible by all to be used under the specific conditions of the licenses they are released under. In a bid to promote the use of Open Music to both creators and their audiences, …

2023: Free Knowledge Africa Year in Review

The year 2023 has been productive for Free Knowledge Africa and the initiative for an open knowledge movement in Africa. In line with our mission of promoting free and open knowledge by Africans in travel, sports, tourism, geography, and cultural heritage towards sharing and contributing to global knowledge, we have embarked on a series of …

Digitization Process

A Digitization Guide for a Cultural Heritage Institution Collection

Are you looking to Digitize your Collection, your Organization’s Archival records, or any form of Digitization Project? Then look no further. Digitize your collections, archival data, or any form of data with Free Knowledge Africa, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting free and open knowledge in Africa.  Objective The process of Digitization involves capturing physical …

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